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Registration & Contacts
ArtBreak Participation Registration (Non-Caddo Schools) -
ArtBreak School CAPTAIN -
How to Digitally fill out PDFs Agreement
and Statement of Originality Form:
Be sure to download and save the form first
Then open it in Adobe, not a browser,
Enter the information.
Resave the PDF – Rename the file (ex. Last, First Name – School)
Agreement and Statement of Originality (2 per sheet) Needed for VISUAL Entries
Agreement and Statement of Originality (1 per sheet) Needed for LITERARY and MUSIC Entries
Reminder – the SIGNED documents are to be kept on file at your school. You are not being asked to upload the signed documents. Schools will acknowledge that they have the signed forms in the Student List Sheet prior to upload.
School Booths
The School Exhibit Booth provides the opportunity for each school to “show off” pinnacle creative programs, faculty, and students. Your school is providing a public tour of the Arts Programs, and creative STEM programs such as the Robotics Program a Foreign Language project, or photographs from a Performance. It is not limited to an exhibition of Visual Art. The School Booth is also a great way to include more students in the ArtBreak Showcase; student work selected for the School Booth is applauded!
The School Exhibit Booth provides an opportunity for schools to sell merchandise, artwork, (sorry, no concessions) or other items. If you choose to sell items from your booth, you must staff the booth. If you do not sell items, you do not need to staff the Booth.
There are prizes for outstanding, creative, innovative School Booths!
$500 BEST of SHOW for Best School Booth
$150 Best of Elementary, Middle & High. Prize will go to the Winning Schools Visual Art Program!
2nd Grade Reading Adventures
Shreve Memorial Library presents the Reading Adventure. This is the time for all second graders in the region to spend a portion of a fun-filled day exploring the importance of reading. Students who receive DOEC services in grades 3-5 are also included in the Reading Adventure.
UPLOAD HERE Non-Caddo School List
3rd Grade STEAM Learning
Shreveport Regional Arts Council, Caddo Parish Public Schools, and regional Professional Artists jointly collaborate to present five days of STEAM learning for all third graders in the region. Elementary students enrolled through the Department of Exceptionalities are also welcome to Third Grade STEAM Days.
School Performances
Festival goers are treated to a wide variety of entertaining acts, from choirs, instrumentalists, tumblers, cheerleaders, monologues, short plays, ROTC Drill Lines, and more! ArtBreak has more stages than a “3-ring circus!” ArtBreak will showcase at least one 20 minute performance from each school! Any group that your school would be proud to showcase at ArtBreak may perform. The performance must be ENDORSED and sponsored by your school. ArtBreak will feature an Ensemble Stage for your school Garage Bands, small Choral Ensembles, Spoken Word Performances and other solo or small combos.
Literary Submissions & Literary Portfolio
The Leonard and Betty Phillips Memorial Foundation Juried Literary Exhibition makes a powerful, positive statement about the quality and impact of Arts Education. The Literary Artworks are on view all week! EVERY student whose work is entered in the Literary exhibition is a winner and receives a Showcase ribbon! The Literary Competition spans Early Childhood Education through 12th grade.
The Middle and High School Literary Portfolio Award is presented to an 8th Grade student and a high school junior or senior who demonstrate literary creativity and proficiency via a body of work and a video recorded interview.
Juried Visual Exhibition & Visual Portfolio
The Leonard and Betty Phillips Foundation Memorial Juried Visual Exhibition makes a powerful, positive statement about the quality and impact of Arts Education! More than 1,000 pieces of Visual Art are exhibited all week for every visitor to see! EVERY student whose work is entered in the exhibition is a winner and receives a Showcase Ribbon! The Visual Competition spans Early Childhood Education through 12th grade
The Jimmy Dunn Memorial Visual Portfolio Award is presented to a high school junior or senior and an 8th grader who has completed a significant body of work and has a comprehension of what it means to be a working artist.
Visual Submissions:
UPLOAD HERE School List Visual Entry Tags
Visual Portfolio:
Music Composition
The goal of the Music Composition Contest is to showcase and reward outstanding musical composition skills and talent. Compositions will be judged based on originality, chord structure, dynamics, timbre and other fundamentals within the scope of the composition.
Music Composition:
Master Class Registration
The ArtBreak Team offers a variety of MASTER CLASSES that feature an expert Artist in a specific Arts Discipline working with your outstanding students in Grades 5 - 12 to “master” a specific Art Skill/Technique.
Wednesday, April 30 - Friday, May 2 : 8:30am - 2:30pm
Master Class Registration
Volunteer Registration
Volunteers are the heart of the ArtBreak Festival! Volunteering is an excellent way to show your commitment to the arts, children and the schools. The ArtBreak Festival is Monday, April 28 through Sunday, May 4, 2025. We need VOLUNTEERS to work during the week and the weekend. In addition to adult volunteers, we can also use teams of middle and high school students for specific duties. Sign up ONLINE and choose your favorite time to support ArtBreak! A volunteer shift confirmation, schedule, parking directions and site map will be emailed to you prior to the event.
Community Volunteer (WEEKEND ONLY) Form
Fashion Forward Entry Form
(Coming Soon)
Grab your Scissors, Needle and Thread…Bring the Safety Pins and Hair Spray and get ready for the Pressure! The dynamic Fashion Instruction Duo at Caddo Career & Technology Center will present the top Fashion Designers in Caddo Parish High Schools! The multi-layered event includes a Fashion Show featuring student designs. A team of professional community fashion experts will judge the event elements. There are prizes for each “round” and an overall FASHIONISTA prize!
Culinary Entry Form
(Coming Soon)
‘Don your Chef Hat - Wield the Knife, Discover the “Secret Ingredient,” Start the Clock and let’s start Cooking! The Culinary Art Competition features 4-6 pre-selected Top Chefs in Caddo in a competition that includes scoring for each dinner course: Appetizer, Entrée, and Dessert! There is an overall TOP CHEF, and prizes for each of the three competitive meal courses. A team of professional chefs from the most dynamic restaurants as well as personal chefs, and caterers judge the CULINARY ART COMPETITION!
2025 ArtBreak’s Got Talent!
The annual ArtBreak’s Got Talent Show premieres Saturday, May 3 at 6:30 pm at Shreveport Convention Center. Contestants from ECE – 12th grades compete in various categories. The talent show features fine arts performances by students, including, but not limited to: singers, musicians, dancers, dramatic performances, comedy skits and monologues. ArtBreak awards more than $1,000 in cash and prizes.
Learn more about the Sunday Awards Ceremony
Learn more about the Battle of the Books!