2023 ArtBreak’s Got Talent
The annual ArtBreak’s Got Talent Show premieres Saturday, April 22nd at 6:30 pm at Shreveport Convention Center. Contestants from ECE – 12th grades compete in various categories. The talent show features fine arts performances by students, including, but not limited to: singers, musicians, dancers, dramatic performances, comedy skits and monologues. ArtBreak awards more than $1,000 in cash and prizes.
2022 Winners
Best of Show - Jordan Hollins
Best of Elementary - Annabelle Johnson
Best of Middle School - Tatum Young
Best of High School - Natalie Barker
People's Choice - Jordan Hollins
2022 Finalists
Elementary -
Nora Bai - Eden Gardens
Harmonie Bell - Claiborne
Kyle Chowriappa - St. John Berchman's
Jordan Hollins - Eden Gardens
Annabelle Johnson - Claiborne
Adesina Walton - Claiborne
Middle -
Oscar Allen - Caddo Middle Magnet
Annasyn Burlison - Caddo Middle Magnet
John Hilton Ferguson, III - Caddo Middle Magnet
Sebastian Gallego - St. Joseph's
Emily Stone - Herndon
Tatum Young - Caddo Middle Magnet
High -
Natalie Barker - Caddo Magnet
Mary Clare Fisher - Caddo Magnet
Lucrezia Tomassetti - Northwood
Aaden Crow - Southfield
Mavy Gigante - Caddo Magnet
Sage Johnson - Homeschool
Megan Potter - C. E. Byrd